Supplies…check Classroom organized and ready for students….check Classroom Routines and Procedures? Here’s a reminder list to have worked out before the first day of school. Try to post important details in the classroom as reminders to students.
- Storage of backpacks, coat, lunches
- Entering the classroom
- Homework (and notes, etc. from home) collection box
- Attendance and lunch procedure
- Morning ‘sponge activity’ as class settles in
- Teacher signals
- Bathroom usage time and procedure (may include checkout-check back in)
- School and classroom rules
- Expected behavior during directions, work time and transitions
- Movement around classroom
- Noise levels for various activities in the classroom
- Supplies and use of pencil sharpener
- Paper labeling ( names, activity, etc.)
- Handing in and out papers, books and other materials
- Quality of work
- Physical transitions in classroom, making lines, etc.
- Tasks for early finishers
- Guidelines for working with partners and small groups
- Working independently
- Classroom jobs/responsibilities
- Moving through hallways, to recess or next class, assemblies
- Use of classroom materials, including computers
- Eating in the classroom
- Emergency drills: fire, earthquake, lock down
- Absence or tardy policies
- Homework assignments (published in classroom/online)
- Dismissal