This time of year, well all year for some children, young kids are unable to sit quietly and work. They wiggle and twitch, fall out of their chairs, drop pencils, crawl under the table… you get the picture. They need to move. So, let them.
Build in ways for these wigglers to have a chance to change position. If you are working with a small group, do it quietly so you will not disrupt others who may be working nearby. Try these ideas:
1. Stretch. Have the group stand for a minute to stretch their arms high, wide and low. Twist side-to-side. Bend to the floor. Shake out hands and sit down quietly.
2. Play a body movement game. Be certain you instruct the children to stay in one place as they follow your directions. For example: “I want you to stand by your desk and shape your body like an old tree. Remember, trees don’t talk. A breeze is coming; your tree is moving side-to-side. The breeze moves away. Your branches stop moving and droop down. Poof! You are now yourself. Sit down and we’ll get back to work.”
3. Change the activity. Stop and clean-up the table and floor area (you will need to do this before your group time ends anyway!). Send the children to get a drink or their school snack, a reading book, etc. (one at a time).
4. Send the ever-moving child on an errand. Have that constant wiggler bring the tape dispenser to the group table, get paper clips, bring a dictionary to the table, something to create a break that doesn’t disrupt the group or classroom, but gives the student a chance to move with a purpose.
5. If you have one student who moves constantly, provide a workspace nearby your group. That allows the child to stand to work, move around, spread out the work, etc. without disrupting the others. Include that child at the table as much as possible. Work to keep that child with the group for longer and longer periods as the wiggles lessen.
Your turn. Send me your ideas to get rid of wiggles. Let’s create a list to keep a classroom or kids group out of wiggle problems for the last half of the school year!