Author Archives: Paddy Eger

Informational Literacy

Kids love nonfiction books: snakes, space, baseball, insects, dinosaurs. That’s perfect because the Common Core stresses reading nonfiction for developing informational skills. What are some of the things we must remember to do to foster nonfiction reading? 1. Be a nonfiction reader who shares their love of learning new things by exploring information and sharing it aloud… Read More »

Critical Thinking in Elementary Classrooms

Critical thinking skills need to be provided for all children if we want to stir their curiosity and create life-long, curious learners in the process. What are the 4 main/best approaches to critical thinking with young children? How to they ‘look’ in classrooms? 1. Inquiry – allowing students to explore materials and ideas to build… Read More »

Review of Article on STEM

One of the newest educational acronym is STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. The premise of STEM is that education needs to address these 4 topics with deeper understanding to gain employment and to compete in world markets. In an Education Week Teacher online article dated June 17, 2014, Anne Jolly, a former middle school science teacher and current… Read More »

Workbook Update

As you know I’m an advocate for people helping in classrooms. To that end, I decided that maybe educators needed ways to help them get started. My soon-to-be-completed workbook suggests ways to think about taking the step to include outside help in classroom. Now is your chance to suggest ideas/concerns/issues that you’d like addressed. So far I’ve included… Read More »

Your Classroom Support Matters

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”  Anne Frank It’s true, there is no need to wait. Even small positive steps bear positive results. So, today my goal is to suggest that while you may be on vacation, relaxing and restoring your energy, that you… Read More »

I Can Dance, But I Can't Juggle!

I’m totally aware that I’m not a good juggler.  If I’d been able to keep 3 blogs moving while marketing my debut novel, 84Ribbons, this site would have remained active. But it didn’t and I apologize. Now I’m back and I’m completing my Educating America Workbook for teachers who are considering inviting volunteers into their… Read More »

Getting Rid of Wiggles

This time of year, well all year for some children, young kids are unable to sit quietly and work.  They wiggle and twitch, fall out of their chairs, drop pencils, crawl under the table… you get the picture. They need to move. So, let them. Build in ways for these wigglers to have a chance… Read More »