Author Archives: Paddy Eger

7 Irreducible Needs of Children

Home, School and Community Relations by Carol Gestwicki quotes Dr’s T. Brazelton and S. Greenspan suggest that these seven needs are universal. 1.  Ongoing nurturing relationships 2.  Physical protection, safety and regulation 3.  Experiences to match their individual differences 4.  Developmentally appropriate experiences 5.  Set limits, structure and expectations 6.  Stable supportive community and cultural… Read More »

Active Listening: A Lifelong Skill

Active listening is not just for school days. It’s a life-long process that is slipping away with active conversation and it’s harder to maintain than you may think! Active listening means the listener is attentive to the speaker using good eye contact and a still body while listening. No looking away, no “ah-as” and no… Read More »

I'm Back!!!

My excuse reads: Working on a website with multiple books, 2 blogs, marketing my first YA novel (84 Ribbons) and writing my next 2 novels and a new teacher workbook. I haven’t forgotten my obligation to you, I just got side-tracked for a bit. We’re reorganizing my website to be more ‘follower friendly’  (I get… Read More »

Managing a Small, Seated Group

Small groups are one important way to break down large class numbers into manageable ones. These smaller groups may all work on the same task or they each work on topics to support the current class subject matter. Examples: Reading Hour. While the teacher reads with one small group, the others groups read the same story.… Read More »

Mini Courses – Everyone has Something to Share

One way to enhance subjects is through mini courses, special brief presentations that focus on one aspect of a topic. Teachers, parents, community volunteers and business owners are invited to present their topic. It is expected the presenter will provide visuals as well as hands-on materials and will address their topic in accordance with the teacher’s expectations.… Read More »

First of the Year Tips

I remember my first day as a classroom assistant working in my own kids classrooms. I had a decade or more teaching experience, but I still felt shy and unsure of myself.  What did the teachers want me to do? Where was I to work? How would the kids, and mine in particular, react to… Read More »