Author Archives: Paddy Eger

Giving Thanks

In the season of reflection and giving thanks, I want to remember so many people who influenced my decision to become me. My parents encouraged me to read, write, create on my own, dance, sing and be my own person while taking responsibility for my actions. My teachers for opening up the world beyond my… Read More »

In-Between Times

Planning lessons is important for your students.  In-between times, the transitions, need to be planned as well. That’s the time when you can ‘lose’ some students to dis-behavior. When are the transition times? * arrival, departure from the classroom * beginning and end of small groups * lining up for leaving/returning to the room *… Read More »

Gearing up for Genre

The new Common Core States Standards (CCSS) uses a variety of genre in it efforts to engage students and help them read and think. As you introduce the word ‘genre’ and the various types of genre, consider creating a class chart of the characteristics of the various genre.In doing so, you will also be working… Read More »

The Power in Powerful Q.T.

Powerful Q.T, Questioning Techniques, lead students to more complex thinking skills. What? Higher Level Thinking Skills means moving your questioning beyond recall and comprehension questions related to the material they are studying. You think beyond who,what,why,where and how or asking them to summarize details, facts or ideas. You rev up their thinking and ask them… Read More »

Travel as Education

These past three weeks I’ve had the chance to visit a small corner of our country that I’d never visited before. Where I live in Washington state, our history is relatively new. Our artifacts are from the time of occasional early explorers, covered wagons, lumberjacks and trappers. Our oldest buildings are homesteads. The earlier history… Read More »

What Kind of Learner do you Teach? (Part 3)

The last two blogs addressed two extremes of learning styles. With two seemingly opposing learning styles: analytical and global, how do you cover their best way to learn? By creating options. Primary teachers most often teach to the multiple intelligences and a variety of learning styles in an effort to reach the variety of young… Read More »

What Kind of Learner are YOU? (Part 2)

There are two styles of learners: analytical and global. Here’s a look at the global learner’s traits. 1.  Sees the big picture. Global learners look for the main ideas and relationships. 2.  Appreciates quiet time. 3.  Wants to know the expectations on tasks and projects. 4.  Sensitive to criticism. 5.  Performs as a team player… Read More »

What Not to Say

Learning is a constant trial and error activity with positive outcomes as a goal. With that in mind, it becomes imperative that we, as adults working with children, provide encouragement. That includes monitoring our words and body language. A parenting magazine as well as agree, suggesting that we think about how our split second… Read More »