Author Archives: Paddy Eger

5 Key Expectations for Small Groups

K.I.S.S.- Keep It Simple for Students. When in doubt, simplify your expectations/rules and post them as a daily reminder to all: students, classroom assistants and even guests. These 5 cover the basics. 1. Come calmly to the group. 2. Listen. 3. Participate. 4. Strive for quality work. 5. Help with clean-up and closure  before leaving… Read More »

Developing Independence

That’s what it’s all about, independence. As parents, educators and classroom assistants, our goal is to develop independent students. How do we do that? 1. Provide basic skills in language, math, science and other academic subjects. 2. Model positive learning skills: reading directions, making a plan, rethinking ideas. 3. Compliment student steps toward independence. Increase… Read More »

When Kids Finish Work Early

No matter how well you plan, some students will finish early. It may happen because they skim through a task or because they ‘get on a roll’ and finished with time to spare. It is important to check their assigned work before you allow them to move on to another activity. Read over their work.… Read More »

What Children Want

The book, Home, School and Community Relations by Carol Gestwicki  lists the following needs of children (p.65) . Food for thought: they are presented in no particular order, but families might want to create a hierarchy of their importance. 1. Feel loved 2. Feel important 3. Constructive discipline 4. Routines and rituals (predictable patterns) 5. … Read More »

Start with Exploration

New materials, manipulatives, books, globes and much more are fun to share with students. So, save yourself time and frustration and spend your first minutes with free exploration. Let the students investigate the materials on their own for several minutes before you try to use them. Why? Curiosity. Until student time for exploration is  allowed,… Read More »

Organizing a Project: Ideas #1 and 2

Providing a variety of ways that students can ‘show what they know’ makes  projects more interesting and allows for more creativity. Label the first two Tic-Tac-Toe and BINGO. Tic-Tac-Toe A tic-tac-toe board sets out six components. Students select 3-in-a-row to complete one ‘win’ in this X’s and O’s game turned into a set of requirements.… Read More »

Worthy Resources

When I find a great resources it is important to share it with you who are out there, working to educate children. These two are worth your time checking out and possibly purchasing. The Cornerstone: Classroom Management that Makes Teaching More Effective, Efficient and Enjoyable by Angela Powell (Watson) (2009) is a nitty gritty uber-detailed… Read More »

Be Consistent

Consistency is a classroom key to effective management. The consistency of adults enables students to be more incharge of their learning.  When they understand the day-to-day functionings of their classroom, they have more time to focus on learning. Here’s the short list for all groups, class-size to 1:1. It’s an easy routine with built-in signals . Use it consistently… Read More »