Author Archives: Paddy Eger

6 Ways to Motivate People

Motivation is important at home, at school, and at work. So what steps help encourage individuals to actively engage? Clear objectives.  Share the overview of your expectations. Brainstorm ideas on how to reach your goal. Provide resources to help reach that goal. Allow individuals to make choices within the project. If people are interested and… Read More »

Is Recess Important in Elementary School?

The controversy rages on. Do kids need recesses? Aren’t they wasting valuable instruction time? If recesses are needed, how many and how long is appropriate? I’m no expert, but, when I taught, the recess breaks were important to the kids and to me. Primary children need to get up, get outside and run, socialize and… Read More »

I accidently discovered this online forum for kids to help save the world, one person at a time. The event was a local celebration for kids who made a difference. Check out the international organization and then share it with teens you know. Copied from their website: WE empower people to change the world.… Read More »

Close Reading Tips

Close reading is engaged reading. It’s the opposite of read-as-fast-as-you-can. It encourages readers to read for deeper meaning and requires taking time to understand what is read. Here are a few tips to focus your thinking about close reading: Practice close reading yourself. As you read ask why questions and open-ended questions to move beyond… Read More »

Encouraging Concepts

When it comes to helping kids get moving, educationally, these concepts are key: 1. Brainstorm. Spend time picking each other’s brains about possibilities or ideas related to a topic. Dont’ limit yourself to practical ideas; go for creative, out-of-the box thinking. 2. Take a stand. Don’t be afraid to have an opinion different from others… Read More »

Using Show and Tell to a Student's Advantage

Show and Tell is more than talking about your weekend or the new puppy, especially with older students. It’s an early step in scaffolding (early steps in breaking down learning into chunks). It involves talking, looking at vocabulary and information as well as previewing text. So how does Show and Tell fit in? Learning by… Read More »