Author Archives: PaddyEger

Special Offers for Teachers, Classrooms, and Parents

The school year is winding down for most educators. Hopefully this has been a great year with tons of student success and limited teacher stress. Before you step away for your much deserved summer break, I want to offer you opportunities to consider: FREE Summer math packets for K-2 or 3-5 grades FREE math games… Read More »

Educators and Classroom Assistants! We Appreciate You!

Day after day, week after week, month after month, you give our children everything you have to give. Enjoy these words of  praise for what you do: I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.  ~Lily Tomlin as “Edith Ann” A teacher’s job is to take a… Read More »

Free Elementary Math Games

Teachers…Looking for a break from testing stress and your usual math games? Parents…looking for math activities for the summer break? I suggest you investigate my website downloads for a list of more than 20 easy-to-play, mathematically-sound games. I’ve created individual and partner games that kids may play in 5-15 minute time slots. Each requires readily… Read More »

May 6 It’s My Birthday Today

Each year comes faster and faster. Even as time has sped up, I have one memory from several decades ago to share with you. Balloons in the Trees              As I think back, some birthday parties stand out while other recollections are barely images; some have no sound or color. One that recently floated into… Read More »

Growth Mindset Part 5—Quotations and Resources

Growth Mindset is defined as the perceived ability to grow and change through dedication and hard work. The intent: to encourage students as well as adults that it is possible to learn more and become smarter through perseverance on tasks. The bottom line: growth mindset can be taught. Abundant resources and charts may be found… Read More »

Growth Mindset Part 3—Model the Skills

Growth Mindset is defined as the perceived ability to grow and change through dedication and hard work. The intent: to encourage students as well as adults that it is possible to learn more and become smarter through perseverance on tasks. The bottom line: growth mindset can be taught. Fixed mindset is especially present and noticeable… Read More »

Growth Mindset Part 1—Definition

Growth Mindset is defined as the perceived ability to grow and change through dedication and hard work. The intent: to encourage students as well as adults that it is possible to learn more and become smarter through perseverance on tasks. It refutes the notion that intelligence is set (a fixed mindset) and sees challenges and… Read More »