Category Archives: General Thoughts

Moving Forward

It’s a great feeling to: * win 2 honorable mentions for Educating America: 101 Strategies * be trusted to handle reading training sessions for a local United Way Education agency * be asked for suggestions on expanding a school’s volunteer programs use of assistants * be invited to plan training for a second local volunteer… Read More »

'Finnigan Begin Again'

Like the song which echoes the phrase,  ‘Finnegan Begin Again’, education begins again every day. I’m constantly in learning mode!  As my website morphs into its new, broader existence, I want to reach out to more friends and supporters of education. That’s you. Every Tuesday, my education blog day, I’ll be turning back to update my earlier blogs… Read More »

Alone and Together

On Sunday I had the opportunity to do an informal presentation to a group of GED instructors. It was heartening to be able to give them a couple of new tools and to encourage them to use higher level thinking skills even more than they currently do. Since education is a village effort, I appreciated… Read More »

Classroom Volunteering

The more I work in classrooms, the more I see how much teachers appreciate my time. The truest test is the moment I see the teacher. Invariably I am met with a smile and “I’m so glad you are here.” Whether the classroom has 20 or 30 students, teachers always find tasks I can assist… Read More »

Giving Thanks

With all the news of educations trials and tribulations, the ‘thank you’ part is often overlooked: Thank you to teachers who spend their free time  working for and thinking about school, students and what more can be done to make education more interesting and relevant. Thank you to classroom assistants and volunteers for their hours spent… Read More »

Travel as Education

These past three weeks I’ve had the chance to visit a small corner of our country that I’d never visited before. Where I live in Washington state, our history is relatively new. Our artifacts are from the time of occasional early explorers, covered wagons, lumberjacks and trappers. Our oldest buildings are homesteads. The earlier history… Read More »

What Kind of Learner are YOU? (Part 2)

There are two styles of learners: analytical and global. Here’s a look at the global learner’s traits. 1.  Sees the big picture. Global learners look for the main ideas and relationships. 2.  Appreciates quiet time. 3.  Wants to know the expectations on tasks and projects. 4.  Sensitive to criticism. 5.  Performs as a team player… Read More »

Developing Independence

That’s what it’s all about, independence. As parents, educators and classroom assistants, our goal is to develop independent students. How do we do that? 1. Provide basic skills in language, math, science and other academic subjects. 2. Model positive learning skills: reading directions, making a plan, rethinking ideas. 3. Compliment student steps toward independence. Increase… Read More »

School as a Job

As adults we work. Some of us work at home, others leave to work elsewhere. Our kids also have work. Their work is school. It is important that we give their ‘work’ proper respect and help them understand that they have a responsibility to do their best while they are at work. That means we… Read More »