School as a Job

As adults we work. Some of us work at home, others leave to work elsewhere. Our kids also have work. Their work is school. It is important that we give their ‘work’ proper respect and help them understand that they have a responsibility to do their best while they are at work. That means we… Read More »

How Do I Get Started Volunteering?

It’s important to think of how you will approach a school or teacher when you offer to volunteer. Take a minute to organize your approach. 1. Do you know a staff member or a family of a student who attends the school? If so, speak with that person. Ask about which classrooms want or need… Read More »

Active Listening & Wait Time

Two key strategies  (active listening and wait time) used in classrooms also work in small groups. They assist group leaders as well as the groups they lead. Both show respect for the learning in progress. Active listening demonstrates taking turns as well as respect for the speaker.When a person is speaking, all attention needs to be… Read More »

Guidelines for Starting a Group

Organize for success: plan ahead. The first minutes of your group time determine the success of your task. That’s when you ‘set the stage’  through your demeanor and expectations. 1. Focus on your current task. Leave your life outside the classroom at the door so you can give 100% of your focus to the students you will… Read More »

Reporting Back to the Teacher

When you work with students, part of your responsibility is to report back to the teacher. But what should be included? Give the teacher as much information as possible to help determine if the task needs more time or new materials before moving on to another task or activity. If the teacher provides a form, fill… Read More »

Vocabulary Quickies

Working on vocabulary skills we need to be relevant and create interesting activities. Consider using the following ideas with older students. 1.  Reader’s Digest Word Power –  It gives you the word, choices of meaning and then the correct meaning on the next page. 2.  Text books – Create multiple possible meanings (like Reader’s Digest)… Read More »

Jobs Away from Student Group Time

There are times when groups are finished or changes in the school day causes groups times to move or end with time to spare. When you have free time in the classroom, think about helping by doing teacher-approved jobs. Remember to work quietly and not disturb students close to those areas. * straighten student work areas currently… Read More »

Story Mapping- Graphic Organizers

I started out to share my samples until I discovered these 3 great sources online: 1. has 40 organizers, cloze activities, research formats, rubrics, etc. The overviews are downloadable but the site is membet-supported ($20/year) and may be worth the investment if you use their styles of organization. 2. has a detailed story… Read More »

Organizing Assistants – Tubs &Folders

Assistants need their own desk or area where they can go over their tasks and organize their materials. For me, the easiest way to organize for their tasks uses small, plastic tubs. Each can hold the day’s activity folder, books, tools (pencils,etc.) and other supplies. The assistant can carry everything to their meeting place and be… Read More »