Tag Archives: guidelines

Special Offers for Teachers, Classrooms, and Parents

The school year is winding down for most educators. Hopefully this has been a great year with tons of student success and limited teacher stress. Before you step away for your much deserved summer break, I want to offer you opportunities to consider: FREE Summer math packets for K-2 or 3-5 grades FREE math games… Read More »

Family-School Shared Values

In this hectic world, it’s time to think about our shared concerns for children and youth. Here are a few of my ideas: We should strive to make children important in our daily lives. We need to keep communications open and as positive as possible. We need to engage children in thinking and learning beyond… Read More »

Inviting Assistants into Your Classroom Part 2

It’s important to select activities you are comfortable handing over to an assistant. Check out my book , Actively Igniting Your Classroom with 101 Strategies for Adult Assistants, for extensive details on using adult assistants. Then decide: do you see any actitivities as a small group task? a mini-course?  a procurement function? a classroom housekeeping… Read More »