Summer Reading List

By | July 17, 2016

For most teachers and educational assistants it’s time for a summer break; a time to kick back and relax after a busy year. Now’s the time to checkout summer reading related to schools and education. Here are a couple of interesting ones I’ve found.

How to Teach Thinking Skills Within the Common Core: 7 Key

Student Proficiencies of the New National Standards by James

A. Bellanca, Robin J. Fogarty and Brian M. Pete  (Solution Tree Press) Great

resources even if you don’t use or believe in the common core. They provide

practical ideas for k-12 students with great references and resources.

Get Organized Without Losing It by Janet S. Fox (Free Spirit Publishing)

Organizing ideas for home, school, lockers, homework and more. It’s called a

self-help book for kids.


May I suggest my materials as well? Here’s a brief overview of each product.

I will gladly send you any and all with tax and postage paid plus include

16 thank you notes, if you order before July 20th. This sale is limited to

delivery within the U.S.

EduAmGettingStartedSmEducating America: Getting Started  Ideas on for ways to organize your

classroom to invite adults in to assist you.




EduAmCover_SmEducating America: 101 Strategies for Classroom Assistants in K-8

Classrooms A collection of easy-to-use, practical ideas from when you make a plan to work with small groups through the time you complete your tasks.



EduAmFlipbookSmEducating America Desktop Flipbook  Sequenced suggestions for group

leaders to help focus the adult leader as well as the students.


TO ORDER my materials:

Visit my online bookstore here. You can also order paperback or eBook versions on Amazon or order digital version from my Teacher’s Notebook store.






