Author Archives: Paddy Eger

5 Tips for a Proactive Assistant

Assistants are amazing support for students and teachers. Following these 5 tips, they become doubly appreciated. 1.  Arrive on time; early enough to look over the day’s task. 2.  Gather your materials. Take on that task to relieve the busy teacher of responsibility. 3.  Remind and reinforce your expectations as you begin with students. 4. … Read More »

Story Mapping -Graphic Organizers

I started out to share my samples of story mapping with you until I discovered 3 great sources online: 1. has 40 graphic organizers, cloze activities, research formats, rubrics, etc. The overviews are downloadable but the site is member-supported ($20/year) and may be worth the investment if you use their styles of organization. 2.… Read More »

ABC Books for All Ages and Stages

ABC books bridge all grades. They present everything that’s great about children’s books: a single storyline or theme a predictable format (A-Z) a consistent text (wordless, simple words, phrases or sentences) illustrations that enhance the words multiple choice in topics (animals to science and math to poetry). When students write their own, they experience success… Read More »

Moving Forward

It’s a great feeling to: * win 2 honorable mentions for Educating America: 101 Strategies * be trusted to handle reading training sessions for a local United Way Education agency * be asked for suggestions on expanding a school’s volunteer programs use of assistants * be invited to plan training for a second local volunteer… Read More »