Author Archives: Paddy Eger

Dictionary Day

In honor of today’s Dictionary Day, I wanted to post this partial list of parents and/or teachers roles. Enjoy!   What Roles to Parents and Teachers Fulfill Across the Years?? A…audience, active listener, athletic coach, animal wrangler B…banker, backstop, bag-packer, ball catcher, bathtime observer, bargain hunter, battery fetcher, bedtime hugger, book reader, boot finder C…counselor,… Read More »

Vocabulary and Kids

I have a friend who’s seven year-old son has the most incredible vocabulary. In his case, he loves words. But, all kids need to be encouraged to own a great vocabulary through our use of strong and/or specific words, regardless of their age. Since words reflect concepts and content, it’s important to the rounded development… Read More »

Fun Dates in October

Every month of the year provides a free calendar of “days” that someone decided needed to be celebrated. Here’s October’s offering (plus a few others I located.) 1 Frugal Fun Day 2 Guardian Angels Day 3  Child Health Day, Techie Day 4  National Taco Day, 10-4 Day 5  National Kale Day, World Teacher’s Day… Read More »

School, Sports, and Clubs: Finding Balance

These days we have so many choices of activities that sometimes school and homework gets crowded out of our kids lives. Finding a balance is difficult, but their education needs to come first after family. That means that school, homework, and projects should be a priority. When families depend on before or afterschool care, their… Read More »


I’ve seen athletes on TV treated for concussions. I’ve heard about the dangers of them. But until recently, I’ve never been around someone who had a severe head trauma. It truly is the invisible illness many talk about. There are no outward signs like bleeding or broken bones to be cast. But over 3,800,000 athletes… Read More »

5 R's for Engaging Young Kids in Learning

At home, school, church, or a club or group, consider including these five ideas when working with young children. Read aloud to promote imagination and word skills. Rhyme (plus talk, sing, and play together) to develop language skills. Routines develop independence and help kids be part of the family, school classrooms and beyond. Recognition not… Read More »