Author Archives: PaddyEger

Silly Rhymes for Your Day

Recently I ran across a list of silly rhymes worth sharing. They are the beginning of a never-ending list kids could add onto and create their own silly rhymes of ways to say good-bye. Enjoy a smile, crocodile! See you later…Alligator Adieu…Cockatoo After while…Crocodile Better swish…Jellyfish Got to dash… Succotash Chop, chop…Lollipop In an hour…Sunflower… Read More »

Engage your ‘Can Do’

Find joy every day. Your attitude and positive ways of engaging students will brighten the hours you spend with your class. Fill your classroom with positive energy. The site Big Life Journal provides growth mindset ideas and free resources, as well as purchasable materials. Subscribe for free! Display student work that shows each student’s best… Read More »

Metacognition and Test Taking

Using metacognitive skills help students manage test taking. By using the 4 processes, students come to testing with additional ways to better handle/access their own thinking. Plan and Organize skim and preview tasks breakdown the parts decide how to proceed Self-Monitor check your progress troubleshoot  problems ask for help when truly ‘stuck’ Self Reflect assess… Read More »

Metacognition and Math

The four parts remain the same across learning math concepts: Plan and Organize skim and preview tasks breakdown the parts decide how to proceed Self-Monitor check your progress troubleshoot problems ask for help when truly ‘stuck’ Self Reflect assess our strategies Think-Pair-Share-Compare with others Direct Our Own Learning know what we know know what we… Read More »

Metacognition and Reading

Reading in schools takes up more than 80% of the school day. Finding meaning in any text requires us to think about how we think.** We must once again use these four basic elements: Plan and Organize skim and preview tasks breakdown the parts decide how to proceed Self-Monitor check your progress troubleshoot problems ask… Read More »

Introduction to Metacognition

Metacognition is thinking about our thinking. It’s the driving force behind effective learning for kids from age 3 to high school and advanced learning and on through a productive life. As with growth mindset, it requires us to engage in a healthy struggle as we each develop this valuable life-long tool. We must think about… Read More »