Category Archives: back to school

Back-to-School Parent Tips

This August, 2018 of a Parent Map cover says it all! Getting back into school takes planning and patience. Here are a few ideas to think about. Remember not to over-schedule your child. We all need downtime, especially at the beginning of the school year. Unscheduled time allows us to relax and choose our own… Read More »

Back to School Routines and Procedures for Teachers

  Supplies…check    Classroom organized and ready for students….check   Classroom Routines and Procedures?  Here’s a reminder list to have worked out before the first day of school. Try to post important details in the classroom as reminders to students. Storage of backpacks, coat, lunches Entering the classroom Homework (and notes, etc. from home) collection box Attendance… Read More »

Engage your ‘Can Do’

Find joy every day. Your attitude and positive ways of engaging students will brighten the hours you spend with your class. Fill your classroom with positive energy. The site Big Life Journal provides growth mindset ideas and free resources, as well as purchasable materials. Subscribe for free! Display student work that shows each student’s best… Read More »