Author Archives: Paddy Eger

Extra Post: Thank You to Volunteers

This is Volunteer Week across America. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank every volunteer for their time and commitment to helping others. Each task you do whether it’s a school crossing guard, Meals on Wheels driver, working in food banks, reading to shut-ins, driving a bus for the elderly or for delivering homeless… Read More »

5 Hints to Get Students Started on Their Work

Use these 5 techniques to help students get started on classroom work, small group work AND at home during homework hour: Active Listening Work with students at their eye level. Establish eye contact. Ask follow-up questions to indicate you know what was said. Develop a habit of valuing all questions asked.  Questioning Strategies Ask “What”… Read More »

Student Conference Savvy

If you are planning an end of the year conference with one or more teachers, start planning now. Gather together student work that demonstrates the questions you want to ask the teacher. Bring notes and report cards you wish to discuss. Discuss your planned conference with the teacher WITH your child to allow his/her to… Read More »

Student Ages and Stages

Student skills develop over several years. Here is a common set of skills for each K-12 year. Kids vary in their personal abilities, but these are standard skills and standard grades where students gain specific thinking skills.     Specific Skill                                        K-3         3-6          6-9          9-12 Observation                                          X             X             X             X Communication                                   X          … Read More »

April Fun Dates

 April Fool’s Day  International Children’s Book Day also, Fun at Work Day  Find a Rainbow Day also, World Party Day  School Librarian Day also, Walk Around Things Day  National Day of Hope  Tartan Day, also Sorry Charlie Day  Caramel Popcorn Day, also World Health Day  Take Your Parents to the Playground Day also, Draw a… Read More »

5 Tips for a Great Tomorrow

Ideas you’ve heard a million times are still important. Everyone can use them starting right now. Get plenty of quality sleep. (Kids need more than adults. Plan on 9-11 hours dependng on their ages.) Focus on eating healthy snacks and nutritiuos meals, especially breakfast. Stay active to stay healthy. That 15-minute daily walk is better… Read More »